Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Please Do Not Buy Coupons Online!!! Couponers Come Together! And Yes I am Ranting!

Hi Everyone,

I have been reading a lot of stories lately about people selling coupons online and how alot of people are mad because these people sell them and take all the tear pads they can find so other people can not use them and then of course go and sell them online! Now, I know some may agree with me and some may not, but I just wanted to give my two cents on it. I know usually my blog is happy go lucky but I thought I would take a more seriously look at something that I know is bothering alot of people out there, including myself.

To all the people out there who take them and sell them:

Come on! People are paying for your time to go and get them? That is how you value the price? We all know your doing your shopping anyways and while your there you just take the whole tear pads! Also, the coupons are there for people to save money not for you to take advantage of the people your trying to sell them to! You could be taking food out of someones mouth or even their children's mouth by taking those tear pads! It may only be a 1.00 off a product but that dollar off could mean a lot to a certain person or family! Then after you take all the tear pads you sell them to the same people who should have gotten them for free?  Sometimes the coupon is not even worth the price your selling it for? You should all be ashamed of yourselves and I don't know how you sleep at night? I hope people get the hint and don't buy anything off of you! If you have any respect for others you will stop it!

To the people who steal the coupons out of the products and don't buy the product:

Seriously??? If you want the coupon buy the product! You make it difficult for people like me who want a product and can not purchase it because all the boxes of a product are open! Your stupidity makes life difficult for people who actually spend there hard earn money on the products they love and deserve!

To the people who are buying them or thinking of buying them online:

Please do not buy any coupons online. You are just adding to the problem and your paying for something that you should have gotten for free. By you doing this the problem will not be solved. Take a stand and do not buy them! If your tired of not getting the tear pads you want they take a stand today! Get the message out either on your twitter, facebook pages or blogs, whatever you do to get your views across to do!

For the people who take the whole tear pads just for themselves:

Don't be selfish! Please leave some for others! You know how hard it is to find good tear pad coupons so don't be a hog and make sure you take the amount you need! Not the whole pack!

For every action there is a reaction! So by not buying the coupons you will help to stop the crazy madness of people selling them online. And people will be able to enjoy the coupons they deserve for FREE, like they should always be!

Thanks for reading and I am sorry if I am ranting! I just hate people's money being wasted on things like this!

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